Welcome to [+] Alofa Words. All work done by Ione K. Birdman - A Samoan American Artist. All Rights Reserved.

[][] I have my Ancestors [][] Alofa Words

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

[ - + ] Pain myself , Pain me again

[ + - ] You will never hinder my Mana
You are not soul relative to me, you will never understand
I will take your energy and use it for my life.

[ - - ] Pain me, Pain me more, Pain me again
I will let the wind take you next time, he does not love you.

[ " " ] When the rain comes for you , I will not be there
I will be with the Sun.

[ " " ] You pain yourself, I have my Ancestors.

Written By Ione K. Birdman

[][] Samoan Language [][] Alofa Words

Sunday, August 8, 2010

[ + ] Birds that sing "Man" ; announcement to elements;
Elderly motherly pride; proper manners a requisite; honor ties; respectful tone;
Aiga methodology; Mana & nature

[ Relative] Hear me; I am here; ^good things are coming

[ + ] Warm future & fortune; ^people from the sun; navigating more
[ + ] Punctual polite persons; polynesians in playful pursuit; proactively pandering
penal policy prone to unpractical political provisions, pursuit paced perspectively

Written By Ione K. Birdman

[][] You and I, not in this round of life [][] Alofa Words

[+] Ya know you'd think they'd understand, what they worked for
was already built in their hearts and hands

[+] You'd think they'd know there's more stars
after a series of grades; ^to interior develop
[ ++ ] Foundation first to progress; family crews and partnered posses

[+] You'd of thought they knew about the spelling factory; ^exercise the freedom
[ - ] You'd of thought they knew the dynamics of the education assembly lines;
old as any culture; rebel sentence architecture; the art of language, a basic instinct;
point by point, character by character

[ - ] Monolithic commerce, snake class affordable, grayscale ethics; cow relevance here

[+] You'd of thought they'd of asked themselves ^by now, what do I have to show
that won't be swept away in a redevelopment project (& what)

[ +- ] Sweet n' Sour artificial drives, zoom zoom presentation music,
motivational words that pop, ten year fashion breezes; nice breath; power to loving people;
in moderation but not the point; you never even said anything worth quoting; yell inside first

[ - ] Good night & Good bye, it's quick; over over, not even a good question [very negative]

[ - ] You vibrant, old, minute reflection, forgotten in record, millions via the decades
[ ? ] You didn't know, to fuel, to process; not gas; Mana relevance some where here

[ - ] Did you not know what it's all for; to not know
[ - - - ] Glad you exceed to par; A++ verbatim; monumental trainee

[ - ] Good luck and Good bye, see you on the register; to leave you
[ " " ] You and I, not in this round of life.

Written By Ione K. Birdman

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